Snail ornament. The Snail signifies love desire and happiness in Chinese symbolism.
Once upon a time, there lived a young farmer named Xie Duan whose parents had died years before. Although everyone regarded him as a great hard-working, decent, and loyal neighbour and friend, Xie Duan was all alone by himself, since he had no money and, hence, no wife.
One evening, on his way back from the rice paddy, he spied a particularly big river snail lying on the side of the road. He picked up the snail and took it home, and put it into a vat with water.
The very next night, when Xie Duan came back home, he discovered his little house had been cleanly swept and that a very fine, still hot meal was awaiting him on his table!
“How kind my neighbours are, ” said Xie Duan. But when he asked his closest neighbours to thank those who have been kind, none had any knowledge of the incident.
Strangely, the same thing happened on the second day, then on the third, fourth and fifth day. At last, Xie Duan decided to find out who was his benefactor.
One afternoon, Xie Duan came back home especially early. Crouching down, he peered into the window, and to his great astonishment, he saw a pretty girl cooking at the stove.
He rushed to the vat and found hat the giant snail was missing; only an empty shell remained.
“Who are you?” he asked. “Why are you caring for my house?”
The girl told him she was the snail he saved. She found him to be a kind-hearted man and wanted to do a favour for him to thank him.
Soon Xie Duan and the girl got married. They both loved each other deeply, and they lived happily ever after.
Country of Origin
Hunan, China
Dimensions for Each Sculpture
Width 7.8cm x Depth 4cm x Height 5cm
Care Instructions
Clean with a soft cloth attached. The more frequent wiping the more glittering the sculptures are
Delivery Details
You are always welcome to collect the item at our shop with free of charge
The item comes with an original box and will be dispatched within 3 working days after the payment has been received if the delivery required
Delivery Cost within mainland UK for this item – £3.99 incl. insurance
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